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The ultimate hurricane Lydia camp out survival guide

The ultimate hurricane Lydia camp out survival guide

Okay before you start with hurricane camp out make sure all of your prep is done the right way.
Take your time and don't hurry. Wrong decisions in the beginning can mess up this wonderful experience or even kill you .-( To be killed is the last thing you want to happen. Well in most cases it is the last thing. But if you are one of the few rare people then this is the plan. There is a lot more to take care of then for the survival type of campers. For example if your plan is to end up dead you will definitely make the newspaper. Sounds good? But this is the exact point where trouble starts. There are so many eventuality's involved and it can be quite tricky. Do you wanna end up on fox news or CNN? How do you want to perform in the news? More as an athlete with bad luck or as you prefer to stay in peoples mind as a comedian? All this has to be considered and so much more. But as the name says it this is a survival guide. So we try to keep it as simple as possible and worked out this easy four step plan for you.
  1. Choose the hurricane which suits your hurricane camp out skills.
  2. Choose a camp ground which fits your needs.
  3. Make sure you have the right people with you which will make a hurricane camp out so much more enjoyable
  4. Get the groceries which satisfies your needs exactly.
So we start with point one. Make sure you start with a small one maybe something the category of hurricane Lydia. This is exactly the one we're starting with and it has just been upgraded from a tropical storm to a hurricane type 1. As soon as the word hurricane is involved it makes everything so much more fun to tell later. Cyclones and so on sounds most of the time like a vacuum cleaner while hurricanes have so much more class.

Secondly choose the campground which provides you the right amount of a cozy feeling but still gives you the feeling of being a wild guy who's camping out in a fucking hurricane. So we spend the first night under a tree in the middle of a town in a public parking space. Well it was quite cool until we realized that the rain leaks inside our car. Everything was wet after five minutes and the humidity was just as strong as Patrick Swayze in Point break. W.T.F we could not sleep the whole night and were soaked in a mix of our own juices and rain. Not fun at all! So when early morning came we moved to the Walmart underground parking lot until we realized that those dudes closed the shop. So we moved further down the road to La Comer which is a Mexican owned grocery chain which gives us quite a few benefits compared to Walmart. At first it stays open even if a hurricane is roaring outside. Which means:
A: You always have access to El Baño, how Mexicans call their toilets.
B: The underground parking is a little bit better sheltered but indeed a little bit less clean. You just can`t have it all:-(

Make fucking sure you have the right people with you. Everything stands or falls with them. You don't wanna do a hurricane camp out with a friend who's already complaining in a motel 6 about bed bugs, or that he/she can't sleep because of the road outside. No, in this case you try to depend a little bit more on the type of people which are used to taking their power naps at 2 a.m under a table in the bar before they start to party or the dude who's going to this Redneck Mudfest all over the states. Maybe you stay out of political conversations in this case.

Getting the right groceries are almost as important as point 3 or even more important. For example here you hang out with this bunch of guys, all heavily bearded and tattooed from their fingers to their toes. Wearing lumberjack gear and listening to the latest Black Flag Album while they are talking about there cool triumphs and which model they are gonna buy in 2018. Then exactly in this moment you ask more for a joke then serious if they would like the steaks you bought rare or well done and they all turn out to be vegan's:-( Or you try to serve the last of your fucking bloody bottles of original Oaxaca Mezcal and everybody asks if it is gluten free. God damn make sure you do this with the right crowd and the food which fits them. So we do it right under La Comer which can provide us a supply of cheap Mexican booze, good Mexican fish or Bud Lights for the hangover the next morning.

If you set up all the 4 points right you are gonna have a lot of fun. The rest is totally up to you. If you run a blog, take some good pictures and write everything as dramatic as possible. For example, do you see this Palm here on the blog which is bent in the wind and looks like it is going to be blown away in the next 30 seconds? That´s the kind of pics you wanna have, nobody knows that this palm has many similarities with the tower of Pisa since the day the drunken gardener planted it here.
Well this is everything we can give you on the way to a hurricane campout in Mexico. We hope you have as much fun we have :-(
The Camp out Crew
#surffoodkulture #twoasiansonevan #hurricanelydia #campout

Our camp spot under La Comer
#surffoodkulture #twoasiansonevan #hurricanelydia #campout

Our host :-)
#surffoodkulture #twoasiansonevan #hurricanelydia #campout

the one and only theres allways a hurricane palm
#surffoodkulture #twoasiansonevan #hurricanelydia #campout

the typical hurricane camper :-)
#surffoodkulture #twoasiansonevan #hurricanelydia #campout

Hurricane toasts
#surffoodkulture #twoasiansonevan #hurricanelydia #campout

one last of our campground:-)
#surffoodkulture #twoasiansonevan #hurricanelydia #campout


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