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First english update.

Okay here we go, this its gonna be a funny one. We planed this actually since a few weeks but never done it. You know, one thing is, we are to lazy and the other thing is, if Lukas Renner ever will read this, he cant sleep for months because my dusty English. But hey W.T.F lets do that shit :-)
So this goes out to all the great people we met in the short time we are here in the USA, the two Pat's, Josie, Brad, Jeff, Celeste, Pam, Lane, Elisabeth, Barb and Dan, Dick and Barb, Zack, Marie Jose and Xenia, Mike and and and, sorry if we forgot someone, in general all the Roaddevils who gave us so much support, Steve, Ray, Rabbit, Mam and Jessie, LD man we can't remember all of the names, so sorry but thanks to all of you.
Okay lets start from the beginning, because as far as I can remember we have exactly on english post here, so this is gonna be the second, but we promise it won't be the last.
As some of you know we left Basel the 6.12.14 after a few days of “hard work” that had to be done. We were finishing our truck with a lot of help from Schrubstock (means Vise) and I had to finish a few paint jobs for friends.
Here are some pictures of the very beginning of our journey

With Andys help we have a bed now :-)

The first night on the road

San Sebastian in Spain

Pinxtos (tappas) in San Sebastian

On the road

Finally on the ocean

 we started with almost 12'000 km

Dressed up for new years eve :-)

Fast shore break

Kanalu surfcamp dog

Sunset in arrifana

Watching the ocean


Too much food

Claudia, Matz, Kim and Schrubstock

Our friends mobiles at the secret spot

Matteo, miss this beauty time


Chapel out of human bones

So finally at this lousy rainy and cold December noon we left Basel. Our plan was to spend the whole winter in the Algarve, the south part of Portugal. Some time we were on our secret spot. Wheres we shared the waves with just a bunch of friends and rarely with some others, but the major time we spent in Kevin's Kanalu Surfhouse which you can find in our link list. What should we say, it was great. It was the beginning of our journey and a lot of friends from our hometown Basel visited us. So there was always something to do, we cooked a lot with Maria, Kevin's girlfriend, surfed almost everyday the lovely winter swell or simply hung out with our friends and showed them the sights all around. It took not long and we met a lot of locals too. We just had a good time during this winter. We got up early in the morning, caught some waves, hung on the beach, drove to the grocery store, cooked and did the same the next day again.
But as everything, even the best time will go to end, so we slowly started to arrange our trip back to Switzerland. Well Switzerland is around 1800 miles away from Aljezur wheres we were staying. With our old Transit you don't wanna do this in just a few days. In our comfortable situation, we was able to take us as much time as we liked. So we slowly headed North thru all this beautiful Portuguese villages and beaches. We were visiting Elidh in Ericeira, were surfing all this amazing waves. And had the opportunity to visit the great exhibition called “Skeleton Sea”. On our Way to Spain, we crossed Nazarè, maybe you already read or seen this name before? Nazaré is the place where the biggest wave ever was surfed. I'm not that familiar with foots, but I guess it was a nearby 90 foot wave. Go on youtube and type in big wave Nazaré. What you will see is mind blowing. But only if you are standing on this lighthouse, high above this rocks you can understand what Nazaré really means.

More pics

Street Art of Setubal

Sebutal in the morning

Perfect wave

Rui, his girl and his Ford bellow.

Lighthouse of Nazaré

Exhibition in Nazaré lighthouse 

The only snow for winter 14/15, somewhere in the spanish alps.

So we just cruised further to and thru Spain, France and finally we arrived in Switzerland and enjoyed the company of our friends. Which was really great after such a long time.
During this time at home we had to bring our Truck to Antwerpen in Belgium. The guys from Seabridge handled all the logistic stuff and brought our van over to the USA :-).
After 5 weeks we flew over too. First stop New York City. What can we say over NY City besides it's amazing and way, way, way to expensive? Who know us a bit, is maybe also familiar with our addiction to food :-) Man we were buying this Micheline gourmet food guide, were walking from food place to food place. Maybe some of you think we had to spend thousands if you follow a Michelin guide:-) It is not that bad, you can choose your restaurant by budget. So we were following all this place where a meal for two person is not over 40-45 $. I mean thats not nothing, but compared to what you get served it was all the times more than fair. The food market under the Brooklyn Bridge was even cheaper.
Pics of New York, i guess they need no comments :-)

So after 4 days in food paradise we slowly headed to Baltimore, Washington DC and back to Baltimore. In Washington we were visiting the American Natives Museum, the Botanic Garden and the Smithsonian Aerospace Museum. We walked a lot across the City and were looking at all the famous sights like the White House,and and and. We quite enjoyed to be in DC, we were happy to have a nice Air B'n'B and a nice looking quarter. About Baltimore we can tell you one thing, the phrase on this bench meant a total loss of any sense to reality. Besides the really nice Inner Harbor and Fells Point Baltimore was quite a shithole in our opinion. We don't wanna hurt anybody feelings but this is just how we felt. But finally “Sir Burnie” our Truck arrived in the harbor and we were ready to hit the road. The real adventure could start. It was so cool to have a place again wheres you feel home and could stay, sleep and eat whenever and where ever you want. The first thing we did, was driving to Delaware what was a kind of disappointment after so a beauty winter on the European Coast. The point was, you could not park anywhere without spend at least 10$ for it. As a surfer you heading from spot to spot and looking for waves, but if you have to pay 10$ every 1000 foot. Thats gonna be quite expensive. So we stayed only one night there somewhere on a backroad and drove further to Pennsylvania near Harrisburg to meet Brad. He was the first guy of the Roaddevils, we were able to meet. So we went all together for a Pizza and had a real good night. We were real blown away by the hospitality of Brad and were leaving his place early morning direction Falling Water House. Google this, its amazing! Next stop was Ohio and we met Jeff and Celeste, where we stayed 2 nights and then Pat (Roaddevils President) Josie, Keagan, Liam and last but not least Annabelle, the most funny deaf Bulldog on earth:-) Our plan was just to drive by and heading further direction Kentucky but we get such a warm Welcome from all the Ohio people that we stayed almost a week. We were able to met Josie's parents Barb and Dan which was just as amazing:-). Finally we were heading to Bowling Green, stayed a night at Little Dave's Place and drove to the NHRA Reunion in Bowling Green Kentucky. We were staying 4 Days there and everything was about the Roaddevils, Vintage Drag Racing, Booze and BBQ! We had so a blast with all these people. And we were so happy to see so many of our swiss friends again and the weekend was just flying by.

Captain America is a swiss guy we learned :-)
Behind Simon you see Pat our President.

Surfing. Next target was the ocean, surfing, salt and sand. We were driving two days nonstop till we could drop our feet into the warm water of Virginia Beach. Because of the lack of waves we fast headed further direction OBX (Outer Banks) where we were able to surf after almost 2-3 months of abstinence. It was so great to wax our boards, to step into the water and the water was so warm, we didn't even have to use our wetsuits. Outer Banks was something like next level America for us. We were always everywhere welcome but this were people we already met a kind of in the internet. On the Outer Banks we realized that Sir Burnie's second name hast to be “Conversation Magnet”. Everybody was asking us about our truck, what it is, where it comes from, how we were bringing it over and and and. One time we had no place on a campground and this couple (Lane and Elisabeth) were asking us in a coffeehouse if this is our truck? Four hours later we were sitting together at a pizzas place, had a nice dinner together and the next 3 days we were able to stay for free at their park drive. They even had a outdoor shower. So we were save for the weekend of 4th of July and exactly when we were thinking it couldn't come better, we were walking across this Parking-lot where a few locals celebrating Independence Day. We were actually looking for beers but all the shops had already closed. They were asking us for what we were looking. So we started to talking and on second later we had a beer in our hands and the offer to feel free to serve us on the burger buffet. We were hanging there, exchanging story's and Buddy, a local fishing enthusiast was hearing of Sabrina's birthday at Tuesday. Right away he invited us for a birthday boat ride as a present. First we talked just about a cruise but then finally we were spending a whole night on his Fishing Boat, were talking, fishing and eating. We were blown away again and so we was finally able to eat our first self caught fish the next day. After 10 lovely and quite relaxing days in Hatteras on the Outer Banks we decided it is time to see a new place. So we we took the ferry to Ocracoke, which is a nice old tinny village. Again we were a little bit disappointed because there was no waves and we were not able to surf. So we celebrated Sabrina's Birthday, had a dinner together and were visiting the local bookstore somewhere on a backroad. We parked Sir Burnie under a tree and when we came out this guy was sitting there in the shadow on his trike. In the second I was taking my key out off my pocket he asked what Van this is. We started to talk, Sabrina came out off the store too and also his wife. When we all introduced to each other Dick and Barbara were asking which way we like to go and where we do come from. As we told them we are from Switzerland they let us know that they are living in New Bern and we should drive by so they could show us New Bern- the sister City of Bern in Switzerland. So we texted them two days later that we could come by if they still have time. The answer was if we would like to sleep in a real bed and enjoy a shower and what we would like to have for dinner:-) Yes we did and this is how we met Dick and Barbara. We stayed two days in their beauty house close to New Bern. It was so cool. Dick and Barbara were telling us story, how it was to live in South Arabia for 2 times and what they are thinking about the muslim religion. It was just awesome to stay two days with such open minded people. They can tell you a lot of from so many parts of this world just out of experience.

Pats place and car in Ohio :-)

So we are now at Fayetteville at Jessie and Moms place, but that is an other story..... Which will be told to an other time... =)


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